Pre-Diabetes and preventing its progression
Whether you have been diagnosed with pre diabetes or want to avoid diabetes altogether there are certain things you can do to improve your odds. Pre-diabetes occurs when Blood Glucose Levels (BGLs) are higher than normal, yet not high enough to diagnose as Type 2 diabetes.
A routine blood test will determine if you have this condition as the symptoms are not always obvious. If a positive diagnosis, then this is a critical stage where lifestyle choices can be made. This early, decisive action can slow down or even halt the development of type 2 diabetes.
Although genetics can play a role , excess body fat and being sedentary are the other key risk factors. Both of these can be a challenge but gradual change and setting achievable goals will set you up for success.
Tackling exercise by incorporating more activity into your daily routine by taking the stairs instead of the lift or walking to the shops instead of driving, is a good start. For those short on time, you can take standard daily activities, like cleaning your teeth, and perform squats whilst you brush.
Whatever you plan on doing, the total exercise time should add up to at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. It is a good idea to let your doctor know about your exercise plans and discuss any limitations you may have. After all, staying injury free is a big part of ensuring the success of your efforts.
Being overweight may make exercise more of a challenge. Exercise should incorporate strength, flexibility and stability and in the process you might find that your appetite increases. This makes what you eat all the more important.
Eating plenty of green vegetables, three times a day, adding in high-fiber foods, enjoying fruits, switching to whole-grain foods and choosing the low fat variety of dairy foods are all changes for the better. To take it a step further consider the 5:2 diet.
If you are overweight and reaching your ideal weight appears impossible, remember that losing even a small amount will make a significant difference to your chances of having Type 2 Diabetes. Monitoring your weight will help you track your progress and if you feel you are slipping then consult your GP for advice.
Losing weight and being motivated for exercise is no easy task, so seeking support can be part of your plan. Joining a gym group class or even a Facebook group could offer the support you need, with people who have similar goals. Having people helping you out, holding you accountable and cheering you on may be what you need.
All of these changes will require organisation and effort so expect to feel tired as a result. As such, making sleep a priority is essential, especially since a sleep shortfall makes it harder for your body to use insulin effectively. Good sleep habits such as going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, avoiding stimulants like coffee before bed and relaxing before going to sleep, will make sure you are charged for the challenge ahead.
Losing weight, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly all at once is no easy task, but by doing so there is greater chance of returning your blood sugar levels to normal. Regardless of the result your fitter and healthier body will thank you for the effort.