Skin Health – One Point Medical

Fun in the sun requires diligence with sunscreen and covering up as promoted in the slip/slop/slap campaign.

For best practice health care, it is wise to have your skin checked annually for changes that you may not be aware of. Catching troublesome growths early can reduce risk and aid recovery from skin cancers, skin infections and dermatitis.

Unwanted or suspicious spots and lumps can be treated in the surgery, using cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) or can be removed surgically under local anaesthetic by one of our skilled doctors in the specially designed procedure room.

Spot & Mole Checks

Most of us have spots and moles on our skin, but knowing which ones are safe and which require further attention is best left up to your doctor. Self examination and becoming familiar with all areas of your skin, will give you a better chance of noticing anything unusual, such as moles or spots that change in shape, colour or size, or even a new one that has appeared – please see this skin check guideline. Any concerns can then be addressed at your next skin check and if further investigation is required then this will be organised by your GP.

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Skin Cancers

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, caused mainly by exposure to UV radiation in sunlight. Sunburn causes ninety five percent of melanomas, the most deadly form of skin cancer, and can be avoided by being sun smart. It is also good to keep in mind that, regardless of whether it is acquired outdoors or at a solarium, there is no such thing as a healthy tan. Early detection, diagnosis and treatment of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers is essential, and in the event that a skin cancer is identified, minor procedures, such as biopsies and excisions, can be performed in our well equipped mini theatre.

Skin Infections

There are a wide variety of skin infections with causes that can include minor trauma, pre-existing skin disease or poor hygiene. Infections can range from mild to serious, and some common types are bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic with examples such as impetigo, shingles, athlete’s foot and scabies, respectively. The earlier diagnosis is made the better prospect for effective treatment, which can range from simple advice for better hygiene to a course of antibiotics. With more advanced and rare skin conditions your doctor may refer you to a specialist.


Dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a group of diseases that result in inflammation of the skin. It can be the result of a hereditary condition or when the skin comes in contact with a substance, for example when using a new skincare product or detergent. Skin generally becomes itchy, red and irritated, and the area of skin involved can vary from small to the entire body. Although reactions aren’t generally severe, scratching can make things worse, so it is best to see your GP if the irritation continues. Your doctor can offer advice as to how best avoid a recurrence, prescribe cream to reduce itching or refer you to a specialist dermatologist.

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Category A rating

One Point Medical has once again received a category A rating on accreditation, demonstrating its commitment to quality and safety within the practice.

More information can be found here.